I am so glad to hear someone is using it! LOL! I use it all the time and I love it. Please let me know if you have ideas for features that I could add to it.
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Hey everyone......I am still pretty new to this forum......and I sometimes still have a hard time navigating around.......but.....I just came across a tool bar for OrchidTalk and I love it........found it quit easy to use....and i can find my way around easily! Just thought I would spread the word!
Last edited by pinklady1457; April 15th, 2008 at 03:59 PM. Reason: missed spelled some words!
I am so glad to hear someone is using it! LOL! I use it all the time and I love it. Please let me know if you have ideas for features that I could add to it.
We have a tool bar??????????
I agree with you Pinklady. I used to find it difficult to navigate through the site before downloading the toolbar. It just makes life so much easier.
Hey Diane....yes we have tool bar........Its so easy to use....here is the link to find it...
Hope that helps!
Hi Folks!
Because of a recent update to the OrchidTalk Radio Stations, the link within the OT-toolbar will not work. I will update the toolbar soon. I am in the development process of the subscription holder's gallery. I want to get it completed so that I can add that into the toolbar as well. All other functions should still be fine, but if you find something that is not working like it should or you just have a suggestion for the next update to the toolbar, please let me know!