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Thread: Phal swan song

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  1. #1
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    Default Phal swan song

    This pretty little baby just bloomed for me despite the fact that she has stem rot. I fully expect this to be her last act of love. She tried her best even putting out a flower stalk with leaves on it. She also had a very bad case of spider mite earlier in the year, but I think it was the stem rot that did her in. Unfortunately I didn't realize last summer that I should of kept my phals inside with all the wet weather we had and I lost several to stem rot. Well that's a mistake I woun't make again!
    Name:  DSC02068_edited-1.jpg
Views: 670
Size:  394.5 KB
    Dtps. Newberry Parfait 'Picotee'
    Name:  DSC02073_edited-1.jpg
Views: 2550
Size:  449.3 KB
    pic of leaves in bad shape (you can see the pitting in the laeves from the spider mites)with stem rot in red circle.

  2. #2
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    Just a short note and I'll post a pic later, but don't give up just yet. This
    Dtps Newberry Parfait 'Picotee' may grow a basal keiki from the loss due to crown rot.

  3. #3
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    Its so hard to watch them bloom their little hearts out as they are dying from something, been there done that! I hope your's ends up putting out a keikei for you. Good Luck

  4. #4
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    This is one of several phals of mine that I allowed water to remain in the crown overnight and got crown rot. Anyway, that is what is said to be the usual cause for this to happen. As you can see I got lucky with this one and there is hope for the future. The other pic is of a phal where the flower spike came from the area of crown rot...who knows if this will go on to produce new growth????? I have included a pic of my Newberry Parfait that is currently re-blooming 'cause I didn't know if you had a name for yours....
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  5. #5
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    we've all been guilty of culture snafus. just consider it a parting gift and get another! fortunately that cultivar is widely available.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bikerdoc5968 View Post
    This is one of several phals of mine that I allowed water to remain in the crown overnight and got crown rot. Anyway, that is what is said to be the usual cause for this to happen. As you can see I got lucky with this one and there is hope for the future. The other pic is of a phal where the flower spike came from the area of crown rot...who knows if this will go on to produce new growth????? I have included a pic of my Newberry Parfait that is currently re-blooming 'cause I didn't know if you had a name for yours....
    Wow, that is unusual. Thanks Doc for taking the time to load those pics for me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

  7. #7
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    I would totally not give up on this plant just yet!! If it is producing a basal keiki, its trying to survive through the basal stem rot by producing another crown. More of this cultivar may be available, but if you have the love and the patience, wait and see what it does! It might surprise you how adaptable these plants can be...

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