Thanks for all of your hard work BD. You and Louis are the best.
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OrchidTalk Toolbar 3.2.2 FIRE FOX for Fire Fox 3.0
The new OrchidTalk Toolbar has been released! This toolbar is completely compatible with ALL versions of Fire Fox from version 1.5 -3.x. You do not need to be running the latest version of Fire Fox to take advantage of this toolbar.
Visit this page to download and install the 3.2.2 FIRE FOX OT Toolbar. Please be aware that only active members of OrchidTalk can download the toolbar. You must also be logged into the forum to view this page. This toolbar is free to our members. If you cannot access it, you may not have enough posts or may not have been a member of the forum long enough. Check back after you post a few more times.
Thanks for all of your hard work BD. You and Louis are the best.
Yay, its time for me to move on to Fire Fox!! I want to see what I've been missing :-)
Hey Becky, did you try the toolbar and fire fox yet?
I just found the toolbar. Wow what a difference it makes in getting around the forum. I switched over to Firefox...but it is so worth it. Thank you guys !! I have to agree with Molly, BD you and Louis are the best. Thanks for all of your hard work!
I also discovered the the game roomThat one can be dangerous lol.
Has everyone updated their toolbar? Let me know if you find any links that are not working correctly or if you think of something I should add in for the next update.
BD, the only problem I have is each time I try to open the toolbar from Firefox it tells me I have to wait 8 seconds to open because I have just been there. But I haven't just been there!. Usually I'm reading the news and then I go to the toolbar and that's when I get that message. What's up with that?
I am not sure I understand what you mean. The toolbar should be installed in fire fox, not opened with fire fox each time you use it. It should appear across the top of your screen just below your http address window and any other toolbars you may have installed.
It should look like this in your browser:
To test to see if your toolbar is actually installed, click on Tools >> Add-ons in your browser. Here a window will open and list all the add-ons you have installed, and those that are disabled. The installed add-ons will be solid, the non-installed ones or ones that no longer work will be greyed out.
It will look like this:
If you do not see the OrchidTalk toolbar in this window at all, then you have not actually completed the installation.
The only time-out that I have programmed anywhere related to the toolbar is on the download page. I set it so that people must wait at least 60 seconds before downloading the file again. This keeps a bot from jamming the server. The toolbar itself doesn't have any timer features.
Let me know what you find when looking. I would love to help you get this working correctly because it makes navigation in the forum so much easier.