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Thread: Reblooming Question?

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  1. #1
    Real Name
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    Default Reblooming Question?

    hi folks

    one my little phals dropped all of its blooms a few weeks ago, so I cut under the second node, and repotted in the correct medium, hoping for a rebloom.

    Since I am new to Orchids I have just got into my watering schedule - something which seems to be working for both my 'chids and myself learning as I go. And of course misting aerial roots when needed...and feeling the weight of pots to see when they need watering.

    I am still watering/fertilizing this little guy like normal...this is how I am feeding my 'chids.....

    Week 1 Rain water -
    Week 2 Orchid Plus 20-14-13 (half) no urea
    Week 3 Orchid Plus 20-14-13 (half) no urea
    Week 4 Water first - Bloom Buster 11-35-15 (3/4) no urea

    Is this OK?? Is says on the Orchid Plus you are supposed to feed with every watering but that sounded too much so I don't.

    When I repotted I did have to take quite a lot of dead roots off, but there where some nice healthy white ones left but not alot. Also this little Phal has some new leaf growth and I know unless you have a real healthy plant they can't have leaf growth, root growth, and spikes all at the same time.

    What are the best conditions to get my little guy to rebloom for me? I know once you cut below the second node and don't see any growth in a few months that you should cut back to where the stem comes out of the leaves.

    Do they need do be kept warmer then normal?? I'm just not sure what to expect. What is the normal time it takes for a rebloom? Any advice or information would be great...Thank you all...

  2. #2
    Real Name
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    Actually, they need lower temps at night, down to 55, in order to bloom.....unless you get a hybrid that just loves to bloom and then they'll go for a year sometimes!

  3. #3
    Real Name
    Bruce Brown
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    Seems like many of our phals start blooming in late January and early February and bloom on through the fall. The cool down is an important part of getting some of them to rebloom.


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