Anyone try it out yet?
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OrchidTalk Toolbar 3.2.1for Internet Explorer 7
A new OrchidTalk Toolbar has been released! This toolbar is has been designed for use with Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
Visit this page to read all about it: 3.2.1 OrchidTalk Toolbar for IE.
Please be aware that only active members of OrchidTalk can download the toolbar. You must also be logged into the forum to view the downloads page.
This toolbar is free to our members. If you cannot access it, you may not have enough posts or may not have been a member of the forum long enough. Check back after you post a few more times. I hope you enjoy this new OrchidTalk feature. If you have questions, please post them in this thread.
Anyone try it out yet?
what does it do? (I have had strange results from other people's toolbars in the past, they left me with a phobia!)
...oh, I see the linkI'll have to run it past other members of the household....
Last edited by dsm; July 10th, 2008 at 04:59 PM. Reason: grammerrr & ....oh
I really don't know anybody still using IE. Got one for Firefox?
Of course! I have had one for Fire Fox for some time now. I love Fire Fox. You can visit the download page for the Fire Fox toolbar here: OrchidTalk Toolbar for FIRE FOX 3.0 Gold
I finished the update for the Internet Explorer Toolbar. While doing the update I found an error in the "Update Toolbar" feature I put in the original version. Because of the link typo in that function, the toolbar will not update as intended.
In the new version, I simply removed that feature since it was pretty complex anyway. Version 3.2.2 is ready to download in the downloads section. I simply replaced the other file. If you are running version 3.2.1, you should update to get the new article library links.
I will work on the fire fox update next. Download the OrchidTalk Toolbar for IE ver. 3.2.2
Please note - you do not need to uninstall the 3.2.1 version. This new update will write over the old version. All of their files share the same names.
I'm new, Bruce.
How many posts do I need??
Hi Pat, welcome. You should be able to access the toolbar now. Let me know how you like it. I need to update the horoscope links in the IE toolbar as I have redesigned those pages, but the rest should make finding everything on the site much easier.