I would give it a go, I've seen these types of Dends growing in very warm conditions ok.
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I bought Dendrobium victoria-reginae...though internet...not knowing it is cool type orchid.
I live honolulu. very nice and warm.
winter time tempareture is 65F Avg.low.Avg.high is 80F.
summer time is 74F Low,89F High.
Can I grow it in this condition?
Should I give up it?
Should I post, trade this orchid?
I would give it a go, I've seen these types of Dends growing in very warm conditions ok.
Yes, you can grow this orchid. I have seen it growing in collections in Arkansas, Virginia and California. Give it a shot! It is such a beautiful orchid.
thank you!!!! Roy and Brutal Dreamer. It is blooming now soooooo beautiful orchid.
I am very happy to hear that it is possible to grow here.thank you!!!
yes give it a try...if it doesn't work for you...I can arrange a trade for a warm blooming Dend...Victoria-reginae has been on my wish list.
thank you Ron-NY.I will try