sick is a good time for low level fluorescent light. keep away from sunlight and its associated heat. flasks, compots, young seedlings all do well with low constant fluorescents.
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Just set up my "Lisa" stand of florescent lights. Kudos to Lisa for design! I am very happy with it.
Wondering when an orchid is "too sick" to put under the florescents. When there are no roots? When it is recovering?
sick is a good time for low level fluorescent light. keep away from sunlight and its associated heat. flasks, compots, young seedlings all do well with low constant fluorescents.
I'm haveing great luck reviving sickly plants under lights, especially young seedlings of mini cattleyas. After soaking them in Physan and pulling off dead roots, dead leaves, anything abnormal looking, I pot them in 100% sphag and put them anywhere under the lights and keep them wet. So far, so good. I'm batting .1000 on these little ones.
I took a small catt with NO roots at all and had new roots showing in 10 days with this method! Bugs had eaten off the original roots...