What a fun week! I thought I'd post a picture of what has kept my attention this whole week. I went a whole week without once looking through my usual websites', this one only got checked maybe three or four times. Normally I do that by noon...lol. I went back through and everyone's had some great blooms this week. I cannot wait to share my pics soon....the "Little Stars" out front is a few days from blooming (I think). This is my first time blooming it and I've got two large flower spikes being followed up by two smaller and a couple more starting. Also, I have another, an oncid with three flower spikes coming along nicely. It won't be long before it blooms as well. I have decided to do some changing of plants....I'll be trading some large Cattleya types that don't do well here and get a few more of the oncidiums types that seem to be thriving out on my porch. The medium catt's do well here, especially my Laelia's. But the larger floofies never seem to get going. I'll just have to enjoy them from afar, and keep the ones do well in my conditions.
In the meantime; here's a picture of the cutest grandchild a grandmother could ever hope for. She even sat on my lap in the elec. wheelchair while her mommy got to shop for much needed new clothes. She loved to ride like that through the stores. She sat up and never let out a peep...unless it was a giggle or other cute sound. She just didn't cry at all. And the coca-cola teddy bear I saved points for just had to go home with her as she spent many hours hugging and drooling on it while making the cutest sounds. Like I said...she was too cute, right down to the cupie doll curl on her forehead.

Valerie Raven

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Valerie and her teddy bear....
Name:  Valerie 020.jpg
Views: 304
Size:  47.3 KB