Another shot....
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If anyone has any clue as to what this might be, I'd be eternally grateful....
Another shot....
And lastly, this....
Wow, lja! Your pictures have definitely improved a lot and I'm impressed!
The first two pictures look ver much like Paph Shireen but I may be wrong.
lol thanks! I think I'm getting the hang of it a little better.
Shireen doesn't sound familiar to me but that doesn't mean much; the tag's been gone for the past 3 years....
I'm pretty sure it is glaucophyllum x philippinense but I may be wrong since I don't grow that many hyrbids.
I've got a Shireen in bloom. That was my first thought too, but I'm not positive by any means.
Oh, and don't be disturbed by how short the stem seems to be. It got bent in half while developing, so that's why it looks strange.
Sue, your pic didn't come through. If you're linking to a site like geocities, they won't let you hot-link out of their servers to a forum. Do you have a pic on your home machine you could upload instead?
Welcome to the forum, and thanks!
Yeah. It's a Webshots page. Sometimes the hotlinks work, sometimes they don't. That's why I always put in an additional text link. It's kinda hard to see above, but it's attached to the word "here".
Anyway, here's
And looking again, I'm really somewhat skeptical that yours is a Shireen. I guess I should expect the grex to be pretty widely variable though . . . and I certainly think yours has to be a cross between glauco and a multifloral sp., so it seems like Shireen is a good guess on those grounds.
– Sue
Lol! I was concentrating so hard on the red X I missed the link altogether.
At first I was thinking it might be Paph. Honey (philippinense x primulinum). But judging from your pic, I think you and Peter must be right: it's got to be Shireen. Given, like you said, the expected variations within the grex, both plants in your pic and mine are just way too similar.
Many many many thanks to both of you!