Wow, that is a bunch of orchids. Can't wait to see the papilio. They last forever when in bloom.
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Going by the plan I wrote about couple of days ago ( the plan) today I went to the greenhouse in S. Miami. My first visit to a big orchid nursery ever. WOW... I went only to look around and buy ONE flask and MAY BE one orchid in bloom. It was not an easy choice... So I got home with a few more things than expected... One that I am very excited about is Onc. Papilio (not in bloom yet, but will be soon). The other one is in bloom, but while I was trying to pull the tag it broke and on top of that I don't see the name. I will post a picture of it later as now I have to go shopping for some unexpected babies... Have 4 flasks now and never done deflasking before. Will keep posting.
Wow, that is a bunch of orchids. Can't wait to see the papilio. They last forever when in bloom.
Girl, you're putting me to shame. I'm glad you had a successful expedition. And sorry about the mixup on the Redlands dates. Then again, maybe we'll be able to go. LOL
Quick update. Here is what I got home today (without the papilio). My camera run out of batteryAny clue what the red one is?
hmmmmmmm... might have to take a ride over to Margo's house and see them in person.![]()
I'll be happy. Just wait till I finish with the babies (have to start first...)
OK Margo teach me what to do after you deflask and when do you deflask(ie how do you know when)What do you pot them in, how old are they in the flasks. Thanks for any info.
The lady at the nursery told me that all I need to do is just to take off the agar and spread the babies in the tray. She also told me that they are used to being outside. I will keep them in the house for a few weeks just in case. I made a bath reading a thread posted by Bruce a few years ago and followed through, but I am still not sure if all I did was correct. That is why I only did one flask. I put them in sphagnum moss because I read somewhere about several weeks ago, that this is like antibiotic for them. This is my first try and I can keep you update of what is going on.