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Thread: sick overwatered orchids

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    Default sick overwatered orchids

    I rescued some distressed (overwatered) orchids . i've had them about 10 days, and repotted all of them. i'm in north Alabama and growing them on a covered porch (that opaque plastic roof stuff) so they get filtered light all day. i did feed them the a couple days ago, and i think this was wrong, so won't do it again for a while. almost all of them had serious root rot, so i cut back the roots when i repotted. here are the pictures of my sickest ones. i let the vanda have about 1 hour of direct sun a day for about 3 days and think this is the problem. i've since moved it so it gets no direct sun. i have no clue what is wrong with the other ones. help!
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    Think you are right to much sun on the Vanda ,it is hard to over water a Vanda in a basket mine are watered 2 times a day .I would do as you said and shade if off . I have found even where I am in Mo. they will burn and dehydrate in direct sun . About the Dend. I would also shade it hopefully it will start a new growth from the base of the old . Gin

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    I agree with Gin- no direct sun for the Vanda and give her lots of water. They like high humidity and when you water make sure the roots turn green. Depending on the humidity and temperature you can "shower" or soak the roots 2-3 times a day and she'll be happy. I water my vandas 2-3 times a day- the humidity is high here, but is too hot. I am also spraying the floor several times a day when is not raining. Don't worry about the leaves- I backed couple of my vandas on full sun for at least 4 hours a day and it was about a week... They are doing great now! After the sun treatment they put lots of new roots and one even has a little keiki growing!
    I wouldn't worry about the dendro! It does look a bit "sun damaged" but it will be fine. Give it a few more weeks and you will have new growths comming out!
    The phal looks a bit sun damaged too, but I think it will be fine. She does not like too much light. I would move it to a place where the light is not too much. I would say you will loose both bigger leaves, but she will grow new healthy ones. Give her couple more weeks and you'll see. Hold the fertilizer for now. If you have a way of using rain water for them it will be best! Good luck!

  4. #4
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    thanks margo and gin. i have 93 of them all together, and, in my defense, most are fairing well. i've had a bottom leaf turn yellow on a couple phals, but i think this is normal? when a leaf gets a black spot on it does this mean too much sun? i have a couple cats in this condition. i also have a dendrombium that has only 3 bulbs. not much luck on the roots yet, but i have a node on each bulb looking like it's trying to make leaves. everything except the phals is planted in well drained bark. i've ordered a couple orchid books, but you folks are my only hope until then!

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    Here is a link of one of my old threads and I just posted update on it.
    Also about the black spots- could be anything! Picture will be very helpful!

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    hmm, at first i also thought they got burned from the sun, until i saw the dendro leave, totally bleached and similar spots on the phal. they would usually turn yellow/brown but not white, havent seen it.
    so im guessing sun isnt the problem, probably burnt em with your fertilizer or something else is wrong, hope others could give you advices as well.

    good luck

  7. #7
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    Wow, that is strange. I have never seen an orchid leaf loose all of its color and turn that white before. I would be interested in finding out what caused this too. I hope they will all be alright.


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    ron may be right. i have 4 vandas and placed them where they got sun for an hour or so a day. two of them look like the one pictured and the other 2 are fine. i moved the 2 that were not taking the sun. as for the others, i accidently had a couple small cats where the sun came, but moved them as soon as i noticed (one developed a quarter size black spot, which i'm assuming is sun damage). none of the other plants have been near direct sun since i've had them. (not true, the sick phal may have got a touch of sun) i did pour fertilizer orchid plus 20-14-13 1 teaspoon per gallon on them about 4 days ago. the dendro took a turn for the worse after that. i poured the water over the leaves. was this wrong again? i know now i should have had them transplanted longer before i fed them, and from what i'm reading when i do i shouldn't mix it as strong as the package says. am i right that i should wet the leaves with it? i think i need to revert to my old orchid theory- careful neglect!

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    Donna, I wouldn't use fertilizer on any of them yet. Let them take some "fresh air". Just water them with rain water and give them several weeks. By then you will be able to tell if they are happy or not! Don't leave any water in the crown!!! I will keep my fingers crossed!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by greensvideo View Post
    ron may be right. i have 4 vandas and placed them where they got sun for an hour or so a day. two of them look like the one pictured and the other 2 are fine. i moved the 2 that were not taking the sun. as for the others, i accidently had a couple small cats where the sun came, but moved them as soon as i noticed (one developed a quarter size black spot, which i'm assuming is sun damage). none of the other plants have been near direct sun since i've had them. (not true, the sick phal may have got a touch of sun) i did pour fertilizer orchid plus 20-14-13 1 teaspoon per gallon on them about 4 days ago. the dendro took a turn for the worse after that. i poured the water over the leaves. was this wrong again? i know now i should have had them transplanted longer before i fed them, and from what i'm reading when i do i shouldn't mix it as strong as the package says. am i right that i should wet the leaves with it? i think i need to revert to my old orchid theory- careful neglect!
    yes, i think we discovered your problem, it was the fertilizer straight on the leaves which causes the bleaching, so therefore not on the leaves but rootes and dont mix it too strong, little less is even better.
    for now as margo said, give em rainwater and rest, the burnt leaves are lost already, but not the plants.

    good luck

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