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Thread: Help, Phal not blooming

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Question Help, Phal not blooming

    Hello all
    I am new to this board an new to the orchid world. I bought a phal about six months ago at a lowes and gave left it at my girlfriends house so we could take care of it together. They bloom only lasted about a month, since then a new leaf had started coming in, however, it was much more narrow then the others. I belive this was do to low light. due to a plant eating cat I moved it back to my place i put it in a humitidy tray an is in front of a window an have repoted into a five an a half inch pot.
    am i just freaking out or should this plant have bloomed again?

  2. #2
    My Grow Area
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    phals generally bloom once a year. around now many phals will be in spike, or setting them. as long as the roots were healthy and filled that new pot (i.e. most orchids will not appreciate overpotting, and often repotting is just changing the media and setting the plant back into the same pot), it should bloom in due time.

  3. #3
    Real Name
    Bruce Brown
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    Welcome to the forum, nofx981!

    Don't freak out. If your phal grew a new leaf, you must be doing something correctly! Give it some time. Sometimes a change like you mention is enough stress to bring on spike. Let us know how it turns out.


  4. #4
    Real Name
    Louis J. Aszod
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    Hi nofx,

    It's also possible that the plant was grown in shadier conditions than you're giving it now. Phals will often grow larger leaves to compensate for dimmer light. Don't freak! Like Jason and BD said, as long as the plant's healthy, it'll bloom when it's ready.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Guess i was just freaking out, but thats for the info you guys cailmed my nevers

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