id definitely repot the last one, but have you repotted them when you first got them? if
not i'd repot them all, but thats just me.....
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Since I haven't had much success with the first few orchids I have repotted, I would like your advice on repotting these.
This one has bloomed continuously since I bought it July 27 . It has just dropped the last of its older blooms, but new bloom buds are starting at the tips. It appears there are two plants in this 6" pot. The potting mix seems fine textured. I can't tell if it started out as bark and has decayed or if it is just a peat-based mix. I water it only when the bottom roots start turning white, and it seems to be doing well. Should I repot now or wait until next year?
The next three are growing in 4.5" pots. They are almost finished blooming and each shows some root growth. The potting mix in the Left and Right ones is as described above. The Middle one is in bark. Should I repot now? If so, should I step them up to 5" pots?
This last one is very root-bound in a 4" pot. It's almost finished blooming, and there is root growth. Should I repot now into a 5" pot?
I will appreciate your advice!
Last edited by sewcrazy64; October 21st, 2009 at 09:49 PM.
id definitely repot the last one, but have you repotted them when you first got them? if
not i'd repot them all, but thats just me.....
first one is ok, rest i would repot.
Yes, Dana, repot into a mix you like and that matches your growing/ watering conditions. All look really healthy.
I'm with Randy. Repot the last one for sure and if you didn't repot them when you got them repot all of them in (what BD said) a mix that suits your growing/watering conditions.
Since the last one pictured is root bound in a 4" pot, I assume I should put it in a 5" pot. But regarding the three in the 4.5" pots, should they go back into 4.5" pots or step up to 5"?
Thank you for your advice!
Last edited by sewcrazy64; October 21st, 2009 at 09:47 PM.