Marissa, I belong to the old 'play it safe' school of thought and give keiki 12 months to mature.
Having said that, your keiki has a healthy root system.......
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Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around much and missed reading/viewing a lot of postings.
Anyway, I need advise on my Dendrobium moniliforme keiki. My hands are itching to yank the keiki of the mother plant but worried that it might not be big enough to survive by itself. The keiki is about 6" with 4 roots of a little over an inch. I read about the 2" root rule about keikis but not sure if it applies to miniatures.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Marissa, I belong to the old 'play it safe' school of thought and give keiki 12 months to mature.
Having said that, your keiki has a healthy root system.......
keiki is also gaining strength from the mother plant so I don't rush removing them.
Yes, better safe than sorry. Keep wetting the roots so that they continue to grow. Soon, Marissa, soon....
Thank you guys, now I have to put it where I don't see it often so I don't get the urge to touch it.![]()