This is very interesting. What got you started? Please describe your process from seed harvest through to capping the container. Thanks and welcome to the forum. Joe
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Hello , I am attempting to propagate phal orchid seeds from my wife's plants. This is my first post, I have enjoyed reading many other posts here.![]()
This is very interesting. What got you started? Please describe your process from seed harvest through to capping the container. Thanks and welcome to the forum. Joe
Yes, please share your process. Welcome!
oh yes please do tell.
This looks very interesting. What medium are you using for propagation of the seeds? Is the medium home-made?
Best wishes,
This is very interesting! Please share with us every step you made and keep us posted with the future progress!
whoa if you get a high germination rate, you are going to be drowning in phals.
Keep undated. I'm curious how do you sterilize your media with plastic bottles? I assume you sterilize chemically since pop bottles cannot withstand heat.
good luck and keep the posts coming...
Hello everyone. In response to your questions my flasking techniques was basically learned from these orchid forums but I cheated somewhat. I stored the bottles in a pail with a weak bleach solution, the bottles were also filled with it. After a few days I prepared the agar mixture with 3 bananas , 1 average potato, sugar, and some charcoal from burnt wood. The agar package was 25g so I used 3 liters of water. After a few days I cut the pod that was ready and sliced it with a flame sterilized steak knife. I quickly tapped the pod over a piece of paper with a crease ( to aid pouring the seeds in each bottle). I tapped the paper gently over each bottle and sealed each with its lid (which was dipped in a bleach solution while the seeds were being poured). As the seeds ran out I tapped the pod over the paper to add more seeds to the paper. This process was repeated each time a pod was ready. Twice the pods had burst but only one of them had large scale contamination, and the other time there was not much (just started bursting i think). The other pods (green) had almost no contamination in the bottles. I don't recommend my method this is just in response to some of your questions.I am sure I was mostly lucky with my lack of contamination in some bottles.