Next batch...
In the fiirst photo, the guy on the right is Galeosepalum louisendorf. It was big and dramatic and reminded me of a Zygapetalum, but I don't know the genus.
The big catt blooms were massive - quite a display of culture!
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I made it up to the NH Orchid Show this afternoon and am about to spam you with a bunch of photos snapped there. Tried to mix in the forum's favorites, with a heavy dose of paphs!
Here's round one: a couple of masdies and two phrags. The big phrag took a first place (don't know for what...) It's a Phrag. achental (hanne popow x richteri).
Next batch...
In the fiirst photo, the guy on the right is Galeosepalum louisendorf. It was big and dramatic and reminded me of a Zygapetalum, but I don't know the genus.
The big catt blooms were massive - quite a display of culture!
Yet more...
The last batch.
There's no scale, but the malipoense was huge!
Thank you Julie. I really appreciate your taking the time to post those beautiful photos for our enjoyment.
Wow! Thanks, Julie!!! Those are great snap-shots! Thanks for taking the time to share them with all of us!
That is the kind of spam I love to get
beautiful eye candy ,thanks for posting them for us . Gin