Our main group have about 15 member and most of us have very nice orchid collection.
One bigest orchid collection from our member up to nearly 1000 species and I think he have bigest orchid collection in Viet Nam (that what I think but Im not sure)
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Hi every one.
I'm a member of a Orchid Club in Ha noi, Viet Nam. Our Club name: Trang An Orchid Club.
Our group member come from many different working fields but all are love orchid especial netive orchid from forest.
Every weekend we gather all member to have coffee, chat and exchange experience. Every 3 months we make one show, the show is very simple: every one come to coffe shop take one or more orchid flowerpot that flowering and hang at coffee shop for half day.
In all of that show I also shoot a lot of photos and in some show I didn't present there because I have do my business some where. I wanted to share all photos I have to you.
and this is me
Last edited by cxcanh; December 31st, 2009 at 02:56 AM.
Our main group have about 15 member and most of us have very nice orchid collection.
One bigest orchid collection from our member up to nearly 1000 species and I think he have bigest orchid collection in Viet Nam (that what I think but Im not sure)
That is one massive orchid. What an incredible display....
The cofeshop that we making the show located in one street that have one traditional market that was formed almost 100 year ago and it also sell all kink of bonsai and orchid.
Many people pass by and they usualy very suprise because of beautifull flowers.
From very small one to big one we also try to bring here to show to every one.
You might know Dendrobium trantuanii but you might not know how he look like, this is the guy
We love native orchid from Vietnam forest but not mean we not love other species that not from Vietnam
Sometime not necessary orchid plan have flower, just nike plan
That is some photoes I want to share with you this time. It will be more time and photoes coming...