now this one i must have....
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also my Vanda lilacina is recently flowering.
Canh, is yours Vanda lilacina from Vietnam?
now this one i must have....
hi mietek,
im missing the "lila" lip, or is it still developing?
it also looks smaller, or is it a young plant?
Your Vanda lilacina plants look nice but not the same two types of Vanda lilacina in Vietnam
I like it, now I'm collecting vanda species, lovely.
Ron, I'm also missing "lila" lip. Maybe the reason is lack of sunshine this winter. The weather in Germany became creasy. For two days again snow and frost.
It's a joy to see such stunning pictures. I like it.
Thank you Branka, but when I look at your photographs, I think I've to learn how to put my pictures in to such nice frames.
cool vanda species.