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OrchidTalk Toolbar 3.5.1 FIRE FOX for Fire Fox 3.6.X
The latest version of the OrchidTalk Toolbar has been released! This toolbar is completely compatible with ALL versions of Fire Fox from version 1.5 -3.6.x. You do not need to be running the latest version of Fire Fox to take advantage of this toolbar.
This tool bar has updates for the new horoscope pages as well as being compatible with the latest version of Fire Fox 3.6.+.
Visit this page to download and install the 3.5.1 FIRE FOX OT Toolbar. Please be aware that only active members of OrchidTalk can download the toolbar. You must also be logged into the forum to view this page. This toolbar is free to our members. If you cannot access it, you may not have enough posts or may not have been a member of the forum long enough. Check back after you post a few more times.
An update for for our members using Internet Explorer is forthcoming.