Very nice colour Zainal, and the plant looks very healthy.
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Hi, again another Vanda species in my collection in bloom... Vanda tessellata brown( so many variation in color), I got even the darker petals may post later. The smell so awesome especially early in the morning.
Very nice colour Zainal, and the plant looks very healthy.
Yes, very nice. V. tessellata seems to be producing as many color variations as V. tricolor. I saw a RED one on a website of a nursery recently.
your plant look really very well. I've one plant, already for four years, but no flowers so far. All my Vandas bloom every year, but not this one. Strange.
wow zain, its been a while since you last posted!
and a beautifly vanda there!
amazing color! that adds to my growing wish listthanks for sharing
Thanks for your support.
Mietek, very strange your tessellata is not flowering, why can't you change the place where this lovely plant get more light. Right now my others tessellata giving 1 to 2 flower spikes
Boy, I hope you will get the plants as you wish.
Ron , thanks still can remember me after my last post