Hello, is there a way to separate the keiki(s) without damaging too much the Dendro cane or do I have to cut it off from the main plant anyways? Would it be useful to keep it or it's pretty much the same if I cut it off?
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Hello, is there a way to separate the keiki(s) without damaging too much the Dendro cane or do I have to cut it off from the main plant anyways? Would it be useful to keep it or it's pretty much the same if I cut it off?
Try this video we made on removing and repotting a dendrobium keiki.
Hey Bruce, that is a great video.
Wow, they come off that easy?
Great video! That looks like a great mix. Here we use 1 part of charcoal and three parts of bark for the adult plants. Would this be ok for keikis as well? Many of those materials are not available here.
Like a bit of Sphagnum?