What a pretty mounted plant. So many of my mounts aren't...well...pretty. Yours is and also a sure keeper!
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This Brassavola nodosa has never bloomed more than one spike with 2 flowers on it at a time since I got it. I didn't pay much attention to the growths over the last few months, so I was surprised to see so many spikes developing at once, many of them with three flowers each. It's very happy! And so is my house at night. This is a pretty common species in cultivation, but if any of you haven't smelled how strong the amazing fragrance is (the best of any orchid I've ever smelled), you should give this easy, compact growing plant a try. The blooms last quite a long while. Too bad they haven't developed the technology to post smells (of course that could be also be a really bad technology now that I think about it!)
What a pretty mounted plant. So many of my mounts aren't...well...pretty. Yours is and also a sure keeper!
Matt that's great! I could give you the names of about a dozen people right now that would bonk you over the head for that plant.
(I'm still waiting for my first bloom)
I don't want to speak for the moderator, Kev, but I believe plants are not exchanged through this forum by bonking. Although having written that, I think if some owners lived near each other... [THREAD DELETED BY MORALITY POLICE]
So let me know if you like any of my 'chids.
It looks so natural and pretty , would love to smell it .Gin
LOL Gin,
Unfortunately you were caught in a space-time thing that suggests your comment might have to do with mine!
Hmmm... I did suspect some jealous orchid grower of arranging the mirror on the patio at just the right angle to generate the infamous Bond laser. Kev lives pretty close?!?! I had better install some motion detectors out there so that I don't get attacked and wake up in a vegetable garden somewhere, only to return to discover my prized brassavola has gone missing!
Matt E. --> ME
Great looking plant there Matt, and a nice bit of info about the strong fragrance... you just got me to add this to my wish list.
I've locked the windows, just to be sure.
Hmmm...on second thought...haven't seen much action lately...
[unlocks windows and throws door open.]
I forgot to mention that the fragrance only releases after dusk, as this is when the night moth that pollinates it first comes out. It really is intriguing. I've tried my hardest to sniff out a smell during the day, but to no avail. On cue every night I start to get wafts of its scent about the same time the cardinals come to the feeder for their bedtime snack ---> right as the light has faded to just barely enough to see by. Now, who ever says that plants are not conscious and intelligent?