Well put, Don. And yes, thank you, Bruce.
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To all my Orchid Talk friends - For whatever this season means to you, I wish you the best to you and your families. For the coming new year, I wish each and every one of you prosperity, good health and love. And of course - we raise a glass of good cheer to our kind and knowledgeable host - thank you Bruce!
Well put, Don. And yes, thank you, Bruce.
Thanks Don and Jonada. Best wishes to all of our members for health, love, and prosperity.
I'd just like to say thank you Don, thank you Bruce and thank all the wonderful people from around the world who contribute to this forum. I believe we all have a lot more in common than we sometimes realize and sharing our challenges and accomplishments growing these magnificent beauties of nature is a prime example. Cheers and peace to everyone here!
Thanks, Don, and you too Bruce! A Merry Christmas to all, and Good Health to everyone on this forum in the coming New Year! Betty & Andy
I couldn't say it any better than what Don has said. I can only hope 2011 is a much better year than 2010 was for me and many others. Happy Holidays to Everyone, Rich
i agree, well done bruce for a forum-well-done, and to LJA too! and thanks don for the kind words.......as rich said, i can only hope 2011 is going to be much better, and without any weird natural disasters like earlier in the year
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or happy whatever holiday it is you celebrate. May you all have a good new year too!
Best wishes to all for joy, peace & prosperity in 2011...and, of course, many blooms!
Wishing everyone a joyous holiday season & a grand new year!