Mary, one of the criteria which may helps folks with regards to advising you would be to know which kind of den you have -- is it a hard cane or soft cane (nobile type)?
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My dendrobium has been outside on my covered porch since late May & now has a spike with several flower buds on it.I have been putting my other orchids (phals) outside at night hoping they will also spike. My question is do I go ahead & bring the dend. inside to its winter location (windowsill)? I am afraid of causing bud blast if I change its growing location right now. But I don't know if leaving it out on these cool evenings (55 - 65 degrees) will stop the flowers from opening. We have been having day temps in the mid - upper 70s with high humidity this week. Any suggestions??
Mary, one of the criteria which may helps folks with regards to advising you would be to know which kind of den you have -- is it a hard cane or soft cane (nobile type)?
Here are 2 pictures. I'm not sure which type this is. The 2nd cane without a spike is from last year & it kept it leaves all winter.
Hi Mary this is a hard cane as described by pavel, so this type of dendrobium they love the warm/hot environment in order to bloom profusely.
Good luck Mary looking forward your post.
Here is this den in bloom when I bought it last year. The flowers are more pink than in the picture. Any ideas on a name?![]()