I tried it for the first time a few days ago. Nina was there but that was all. I got lost and the greenhouse was closed... spent a lot of time sinking in water...![]()
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Hi Everyone is Casmira still in use. I've been there and usualy it just me or just me and Texark. Even Nina is gone.
I tried it for the first time a few days ago. Nina was there but that was all. I got lost and the greenhouse was closed... spent a lot of time sinking in water...![]()
Casmira is still active and open. Nina is just away on summer vacation. She likes to travel when not working in Casmira. The greenhouse is always open. Just click on the door. Louis is usually at the computer in the back room or potting up an orchid at the work table.
BTW, if you ever want a tour, I would be happy to take a group around. It is a lot of fun and there are some really cool locations. The "Orchid Hunt" game is still up and runing too!
Here are the locations I've found so far.
The Auction
Brutal Dreamer's Paradise
Chess Board
A place that looks like a concreat bunker but is decorated nicely
Crystal Winds Travel Art
Giant Fountain
House with butterflys out front
A house with lots of flowers out front and a white picket fence
the Meditation Garden
and a house with an xmas tree and greenhouse with a rotating flower
It sounds like you have been to Spirit Glade. Be sure to visit Murphy's House which is at the top of the hill near the Travel Winds Gallery.
Next visit, go to the gate house and teleport to Dark Lankin. There you will find the RVO greenhouse, Texark's place, and a Ancient Roman place. Also there are a few other places in that area. You just leave the teleport house and head off in one direction or another without turning. That way you can find your way back.
Next teleport to Casmira City and look for the Orchid Hunt Gate house. Once you enter the gate house you will be transported underground to the Orchid Hunt game. In the game you find and touch all of the cattleyas until you reach the giant one. Once you touch it, you get to fly across Casmira and land back at the gate house. The puzzles are not too hard, but do solve them. It is fun!
Good luck!
I'm playing orchid hunt now. Trying to make charlie move. I've kicked him, ordered him to the potting shead told him to move is buttocks. Spun him until I was dizzy. Hmmm Pushed buttons in the other room with all the buttons. Even a wolf can't make a stone man walk <G> Never was any good with golems.
Here are some teleports to check out. You may need to teleport to a location and then refresh after all the objects load...especially if you find yourself in an ocean or stuck in the ground...lol![]()
Casmira 15S 22E Archon's Torch
Casmira 26S 46W Underground Adventure...the pre-Orchid Hunt game
Casmira 13N 9E Brutal_Dreamer's Paradise
Casmira 28N 45E A cabin
Casmira 19S 20W Crystal Winds Travel / Art Gallery
Casmira 24N 41E Dark Lankin Township
Casmira 4S 15W Murphy's House
Casmira 26N 47W Orchid Hunt game... Remember to refresh and let it load!
Casmira 31S 36E Lily's House
Casmira 7N 38E Ancient Roman Place
Casmira 34S 24W Mathew-Lee's Casmira Cabin
Casmira 18N 20E Texark's Place
And many others in between. Explore and enjoy. Become a citizen and you can build there too!
How do I become a citizen?
Hmmmm I tried a couple of the coordinates given, and found myself underwater again! Ya trying to tell me somethin' BD???
Wolf - to become a citizen take all the money the tourists put in your cauldron and send it to me in a plan brown package....all will be arrange....HEE hee hee hee heeeeee
I've had that problem with teleportation as well if I type in the coordinates I end up under water and sometimes under the ground underwater. While I'm sure the aquifer is nice in Casmira not really what I'm there for.