I would remove it now & pot it up . My Den kingianum keikes grow faster in their own pot , i potted 1 up with no roots(potted into a little s/h pot) & it,s growing new roots & a growth.
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With all this talk of keikis... This is on my Dendrobium Ding Dang Blue (sorry no picture of plant in flower - still waiting for that one). The keiki has been there for about 6 months or so. I was waiting for it to grow more substantial roots before removing it. I took a look at it last weekend and saw that the keiki has two new side growths! This plant has also matured two growths in the past few months and appears very healthy. My plan is to leave the keiki in place for just a few more weeks and then remove it - any other thoughts from anyone? The roots in the picture are about 1cm long, as is the front new growth. The growth on the back side (hard to see) is only about 1/2 cm tall at this point.
I would remove it now & pot it up . My Den kingianum keikes grow faster in their own pot , i potted 1 up with no roots(potted into a little s/h pot) & it,s growing new roots & a growth.
How big does this plant get? I have had a better success rate with mounting dendrobium keikis than potting them up. The ones I pot seem more tempermental that my mounts. But maybe that is because I seem to grow *everything* better on mounts.
Traci -
the mature canes on this one are about 14 inches tall and 3/4 inch in diameter. It is growing in a bark medium and has been a very healthy plant. I haven't been able to rebloom it, but I do have a plan for this winter to keep it cool and dry until spring. I'll cross my fingers...
I have a Den. Ding Dang Blue too! I wish mine will grow keikis--I love keikis and they are so cool. Lucky you.
The plant isn't that big (I've seen gigantic dens) but not a mini either. Just the right size, I think. It grows easily and put out 4 new growths this year.
This one just 'sat there' for the longest time, but it is now taking on a life of its own!It has matured two growths already this year and the season is still young!