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Thread: Something Interesting

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Rollinsford, NH

    Default Something Interesting

    So, during my daily inspection of my orchids and meditating on my Epidendrum, I noticed someting that is kind of odd. Almost all of the blooms on my Epi are finished blooming and most of the blooms are fading (blooms turning dry, wilted, the stems are turning the normal shade of brown...EXCEPT...I have two that the blooms are fading but the stems are still deep green and thicker than the others? Any ideas? one of them is toward the base of the conical group of blooms, the other is toward the top. Also, there is a new bud shooting up directly from the top of the plant. I am assuming I will get more blooms.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Las Vegas - - baby!


    Sounds like you've got seed starting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Rollinsford, NH

    Default Possible Seed

    Cool! I know not to count my orchids before they hatch...err...pod develops cause they could just drop for no reason...hmm...I think I may finally get my chance. I am conspiring with my adoptive mother in Maine (whose also an orchid fanatic) to do a little bit of orchid culture. Now I guess I should start researching how to do this huh?

    off to the web!

  4. #4
    Real Name
    Louis J. Aszod
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    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Clarksville, Arkansas
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    Aaron, that's great! You may not know what the cross is, but capsules like that are perfect for practicing a little flasking!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Rollinsford, NH

    Default Epi Flasking

    Quote Originally Posted by LJA
    Aaron, that's great! You may not know what the cross is, but capsules like that are perfect for practicing a little flasking!
    That is my hope. I have been trying to narrow down the possibilities of what the cross might be, there are what, about 1,000 possibilities? But, after looking at A LOT of photos, there are only a few apparently that have the orang-ish red colour that I have, and even fewer that are of the non-prostrate type (the flowers actually droop down from the spike instead of standing erect). I know it is a long shot because there are so many different variations, but I am guessing that there is some Epi. cinnabarinum in this plant.

    Like you said however, even though I don't know the cross, at least it is good experience to practice my first flasking. My "Mom" is also interested in trying, so I think it will make for a good joint project. I'll try to shoot pictures along the way.

    So...here's another question then...I know it takes quite a bit of power in order to make these seed pods. I currently have two pods on the plant, PLUS it looks like I am going to get more flowers from it (I have one bud that is ROCKETING up and another bud at the base of the one that is currently growing that is beginning to develope. Should I leave these alone and enjoy the blooms? Or should I say, "Hmmm...I want the plant to put forth all of its energy into the seed pods and screw the flowers?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Rollinsford, NH

    Default Epi update

    Well, this is my first time ever with having seed pods, so it has been exciting to watch this process. So, in addition to the plants producing pods, I had two new growths coming up, one much taller than the other, but very thin. The other growth was much more significant in girth but not as tall. The spindly growth started to turn blackish brown, and ventually I cut it off as I didn't want to to taint anything else in the pot. Since I removed that growth, the more stout on has taken off and is vigorously producing height and leaves. The pods now are HUGE! Both seem to be doing well, and I am trying to give the plant as much light (not direct sun mind you) as I can get it during the normal daylight hours. From my references the pods will be mature enough for green pod culture in about 60 days, I have another month according to this time table, however I don't know if they will last that long because they are so full. About 1.5" long and about .75" thick! But, I keep telling myself patience! Anyway, I have been shooting photos as things have progressed, I hope to get the film developed by the time the pods are ready to come off. Now I am just trying to finish gathering the materials to sow the seeds. I have been pricing plexi to build a glove box. Does anyone out there have any glove box plans they would like tho share with me? Just PM me.


  7. #7


    Ok I was getting settled in for a really good thread.....

    So what happened?

    DID Aaron ever get plans for the glove box?

    Will the pods produce viable seeds?

    Inquiring minds want to know!!

    (I realize this is an old thread, but I'm a newbie starving for information....AND you're the one I'm sending my pods to!)

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