Very pretty color!!!
Love the 'orange hint'
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I just love this orchid: I found out that the orange color is fading over the time at
this variety.
Jim Cootes thinks this one is a hybrid because of the shape of the floral segments - he sees an infusion of the natural hybrid Phalaenopsis intermedia, which is Phal. equestris crossed with Phal. aphrodite. The colour also alludes to it being a hybrid. The hybrid is back a couple of generations so this plant is probably seven-eighths or three-quarters Phal. equestris.
Very pretty color!!!
Love the 'orange hint'
lovely Branka
This is one of the nicest equestris I've seen! Good work!
Lovely! I really love this particular orchid. Mine is in spike and can hardly wait for it to open. Yours is superb!
Very, Very beautiful. I wish I could take pictures like that! Great job!
Very nice branka, indeed...
What a beautiful equestris/hybrid. Whatever, I love the colour and the shape.
Branka, a very nice species. I think, Palaenopsis equestris is a very thankful plant.
What a beautiful bloom your equestris phal has. Be it a hybrid or species - whatever - it is stunning. I really like the hint of orange in this orchids coloring.