This is urgent, cause the safety of my plants hang in the balance! Last week one of my plants ( not an orchid) was stolen off my front patio where I kept most of my plants . So to avoid me ending up in jail for someone, I moved them into the back yard under my sour orange tree. It provided the right kind of protection from the sun until I can get my partner to bring the beginnings of my new shade house. from his garage.

Now here's where the problem is; I just and when I say just I mean less than a half hour ago, found something was making zigzag tunnels in the tree's leaves. Upon googling it I learned about the leaf minor pest. This is the first time I've seen this on my tree so I'm freaking out as to what is going to happen to my plants that have been under the tree for the past 4 days. I haven't found any thing on line saying if it transmittable to my orchid, succulents and ferns. Do any of you pros know anything? I'll be looking on line for any answers in the mean time.