Another beautiful one!! You definitely have a gift when growing Vandas.
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Another beautiful one!! You definitely have a gift when growing Vandas.
Beautiful! How large are those flowers? I have a Crownfox Butterball but it's been a real disappointment. It seldom blooms.
Jeff they are about 3 to 4 inches across. It bloomed twice in the past couple of months. And THANKS!
A golden orange vanda! Beautiful! What a great hybrid orchid; - the best all its parents.
It's a gorgeous bloom
Now this is one that needs awarding !!!!! This is really good.
Thanks Roy
While I really like this plant...I'm not a fan of most of the orchids out of this nursery both parents are named for and there is a reason ...RESPECT. The credit really goes to the Thai nursery that hybridized this plant. Most of the plants are imported in and than grown out in U.S. by this grower, who then names them and garnishes the awards. They are just the middleman.There is another Redland's Vanda giant who does all his own hybridizing. I respect that so much more.