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Thread: help, i think my orchids are dying.

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Default help, i think my orchids are dying.

    I have several orchids, one is a sherry baby an oncidium and there are only two pseudo bulbs no new growth but the leaves are still there, the bulbs are shriveled, what do i do? and my Onc. Twinkle 'Fragrance Fantasy' the bulbs are starting to shrivel, my phalaenopsis it only grew one big leaf and then last night if fell off and there are old roots above the pot not many but they are dried, please help me i dont want them to die.

  2. #2
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    Unpot them and check their roots. It sounds like the Oncs are definitely not getting enough water/nutrients. If the roots are bad, trim back and repot in fresh media. Then give extra support for a while (water more often since there are fewer roots to absorb moisture, and keep humidity up).

    Good luck

  3. #3
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    About the Phal . sounds like a rot problem either roots or crown or both , if it has only the roots that are dried up , and lost the new leaf it is pretty much a goner , does it have any other leaves ? . Phals. like to be moist but approach dry before rewatering . In the am . letting water sit in the top will promote crown rot , or keeping it to wet root rot . The hardest thing is to get the watering right . I have rotted my share over the years .. Gin

  4. #4
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    no there are no new leaves it has no leaves left, is there anyway to save it if i repot it?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Try this

    I have had some sucess with other genera, I tried this once with a badly wilted Phal given to me by a co-worker, but the plant was just too far dehydrated.

    Take a plastic bag (I use the ones from the produce section of the super market), take damp, not wet, sphagnum moss and place that in the bottom. Then place the phal (or other orchid with a lack of healthy roots) inside the bad, blow it up like a balloon and tie off the top. Other folks may have other suggestions better than mine, but this is how I brought back my Oncidium. The bag acts like a mini greenhouse. It may take a couple of months for the roots to develope enough to take out and pot into the proper medium.

  6. #6
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    What I would do is ,buy yourself another one .
    You can pour straight peroxcide in the crown (top) of it to stop the rot , pot it ,set it aside in a shaded area, moist only not wet , sometimes they will produce a basal keiki from the base of the plant , sometimes not . Sorry about the problem know how you feel . Gin

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    this is for ATESTER, do i put the orchid in the bag while potted in a pot or am i unpotting the orchid and placing it in the bag?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Orchid ICU

    Quote Originally Posted by monica969
    this is for ATESTER, do i put the orchid in the bag while potted in a pot or am i unpotting the orchid and placing it in the bag?

    unpot the orchid, no medium. Some people have had sucess with it. Which one are you sphag&bagging? Since in your post you mentioned several plants (two Oncidium and then the phal).

    Good luck.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    i'll try bagging the phal

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    I have to agree with Atester. I have saved many chids witht he sphag and bag method. You will need to open the bag about every 2 days or so to let in now CO2 and do not keep it in the sun it will raise the temp i the bag put it in a shaded spot but of course it will need some light. Just no direct sun.

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