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Thread: How safe is it to move your plant when it's in bloom?

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  1. #1
    Real Name
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    Default How safe is it to move your plant when it's in bloom?

    I feel like I've asked this before, so pardon me if I have (I can't even remember what I had for breakfast), but how safe for the plant is it to move out of the light when it's in bloom? Obviously keeping them in a greenhouse or random windowsill isn't convenient when you want to enjoy your hard-earned flowers...so, do the plants suffer a major set-back if you were to move them away from their main light source while they're in bloom?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Saratoga Co. New York


    I have done that on a regular basis without any major problems. I will move something to the kitchen or dining table.

  3. #3
    My Grow Area
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    Houston, Texas


    I think it's more to do with temp change, not light.

    My husband got me a big pot of cym with 2 spikes with lots of yet to open buds. I was stupid enough to bring it outside for watering and left it there overnight (40s). Not happy that the buds are dropping before they open now.

  4. #4
    My Grow Area
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    I think you can move one in full bloom more safely than one in bud, particularly a Phal.

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