Could you post a pic?
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this has been happening for some weeks now and all my plants are getting it... they are all young plants...
could it be the light or the watering???
I'm worried, I don't want to loose them!!
Could you post a pic?
Also what kind of plants and how do you grow them? Media, watering, climate, that sort of thing.
I concur with both Chris and Carol. Pictures would really help
Here is a post on how to attach photos:
If the spots eventually turn brown it sounds like they may be too much light/sun (assuming its in the foliage not on it). By this time it would be too late to save the foliage and all you can do is put it in a bit more shaded area and monitor it to make sure it stops spreading. On the foliage it can be one of 3 things scale, mealy bugs, or spider mites.