Okay, here is a screen capture of one of the rooms in CASMIRA's OrchidHunt. I will get on my regular computer and get a better shot in a little while.
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Well, I have recently completed an Orchid Hunt in CASMIRA. It is an underground adventure where you solve puzzles to open secret passages to find the many multi-colored cattleya orchids hidden throughout the maze.Hey, how is that treasure hunt going? I haven't been on casmira lately, I would like to know how it is turning out.
The "castle" that the hunt is set in, has many floors and just when you think there is no way out of a room, you find another hidden door or passage.
It is not perfect, but it is kinda cool. Hey, it is free! So if you have the time and are not on Dial-up, go to CASMIRA.
When you arrive, go into the Big Orange Gate Station at the end of the bridge. Once inside the main door, go into the room to your right. Step through the teleport and you will arrive in CASMIRA City gate sub-station. Stay still till everything loads, then turn slowly to your left. Go out that door and walk toward the hills in the distance.
After a while, you will see another brick building. This building is a transport to the underground game ORCHIDHunt.
Be sure to set your visibility at the top to "Float" and things should load faster for you. Once inside the "Hunt” read everything! Examine all objects! Some triggers are invisible until you actually do something or touch something to activate them.
IF you get stuck somewhere and can't find your way out, PM me or use my email found on the sign in the first room of the OrchidHunt Castle. I will be happy to send you a hint. Happy Collecting!
Good luck!
Okay, here is a screen capture of one of the rooms in CASMIRA's OrchidHunt. I will get on my regular computer and get a better shot in a little while.
Here are some more CASMIRA photos. I hope you enjoy them!
The one above was of the Travel-Art Center in CASMIRA. It is called the Crystal Winds Travel-Art Gallery. This one is taken from the porch of "Brutal Dreamer's Paradise" It overlooks a large body of water where I have a model sail boat. In the distance you can see the CASMIRA main gate station.
Here is another from the "Paradise". Same shot, different location.
This is in Spirit Glade, one of the towns found in CASMIRA. This shot is of a corner of the Spirit Glade Plaza. Here there is a huge fountain and lots of blooming flowers. In the background you can see the Gate Sub-Station for Spirit Glade. In this town so far the structures include: The Crystal Winds Travel-Art Gallery, The Meditation Theatre, Murphy's Home, The Spirit Glade Plaza, The Gate Sub-Station, and a huge winding river with lots of Palm Trees.
This is back inside OrchidHunt. It is the first Cattleya Orchid visitors are rewarded with in level one of the game. The Cattleya is animated and is rotating around so it looks a bit distorted in this photo.
Nice pics BD!
This is really pretty cool! I had a bunch of fun nosing around today! Thanks for posting!
Thanks H!
I was fun to talk in RT in CASMIRA with you. Thanks for checking it out!
cool pics. Reminds me of a game I used to play called Asherons Call.