Hello Barbara,
Please use the following link to contact us: CONTACT ORCHIDTALK. We will get you back into the forum in no time.
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I have sent two 2 e-mails to the site administrator and really need someone to contact me. I have in the past registered and have relocated. I don't know which e-mail is listed here and I can't remember my password. Please help.
Barbara Henderson
Hello Barbara,
Please use the following link to contact us: CONTACT ORCHIDTALK. We will get you back into the forum in no time.
We have received ALL of your messages since this notice was posted, but you are entering an email address that doesn't accept replies. All messages bounce back to us when we attempt to contact you at your "new" email address. Your 'OLD' member name was: barbiech. I am merging the new account you recently created with your old account as we only allow one account per person. Use the password you created for your 'NEW' account to access the site. Once you are logged into the site, please update your email to a working email address or your account will be automatically placed in an usergroup awaiting email updating due to bouncing messages.