In the past few days, these spots have become more noticeable and are about to spread all over.
I don't think my fungicide has worked at all. I don't know what other things I need to do to stop this damage?
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Hi orchid lovers, does anyone know what these markings are? i suspect it's caused by fungal infection. We are heading into summer here in New Zealand and I am not entire sure whether high humidity or strong sun was the factor.
I have applied fungicides on affected areas but am not sure if that is going to solve the problem.
Any advice would be highly appreciated!
In the past few days, these spots have become more noticeable and are about to spread all over.
I don't think my fungicide has worked at all. I don't know what other things I need to do to stop this damage?
Luckily, not much experience in this area. St. Augustine Orchid Society webpage has good section with photos that I use as a reference. St. Augustine Orchid Society - North Florida Orchid Growing
Good luck.
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Thank you Bob, that website was very helpful. It looks like I need to keep applying fungicides and provide better air circulation.
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Isolate this plant as disease will spread from splashing of water from plant to plant. Use a good fungicide & spray once every three day or once a week. If it can be brought under control, you shouldn't see any spot on next new leave. The current spots will eventually blacken/dry & will remain on old leaves.
Thank you for your advice, cucubirds.
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