We don't get Phrags here. I am looking fwd to get one.![]()
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Saturday I went with a few fellow members of our orchid society to the greenhouse of Alfa Orchidées in South France. Among other genera, I bought these two Phragmipediums. I don't know a lot about Phragmipediums, so any help will be appreciated, especially regarding the watering regime. Do these two need to have 'wet feet', or should they just don't dry out between watering? Thank you for your input.
Last edited by Orquiadicto; March 23rd, 2015 at 06:47 AM. Reason: misspelled plant name
We don't get Phrags here. I am looking fwd to get one.![]()
We don't get many of the paphs or phrags here unless they can handle a lot of heat. I look forward to your bloom pictures.
They look nice and healthy!
The Phragmipedium caudatum has opened both flowers now. I absolutely love them. I hope the blooms will last at least until first week of June. We have the first of our two annual shows and I'd love to show it there.
I can't stop watching them. Those long twisting petals. They grow longer by the hour. I don't know how long they'll get before they stop growing.
The Scorcerer's Apprentice has grown also quite a lot, but it's not in bloom yet. I'll post pictures of it when it blooms. It also has two buds forming.