Anyone here experienced in Catasetinae breeding?

So I was googling around for Catamodes crosses using Morm. buccinator but I couldn't find any on the two registers I searched. Is there a reason this set of crosses hasn't been pursued? I think it could have interesting results.

I recently bought a 2 pbulb division of Morm. buccinator (green sepals & petals, white lip form) and an 8 pbulb division of Ctsm. sanguineum. They should both bloom later in the year I'm thinking, and they're starting new growths now.

I have a basic idea of the form the flowers might take by looking at pictures of other Catamodes, but that's as much as I know about crosses like this.

Do you guys think I should attempt this cross? It will be my first hybrid if I do.
I don't want to take the time, effort and money to raise the seedlings if the majority are going to bloom with horribly ugly flowers haha.