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Thread: A pond update.. oh the years

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  1. #11
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    Beautiful Bruce! I am afraid I would never get any work done because I would be sitting by the pond all the time!

  2. #12
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    Thanks Bruce! I would venture to say that it's at least 4' deep and that's why you have some fairly large catfish in there. Cool! And that's a good size pump and I don't blame you for not pumping 24/7 because it can get costly.

    With the kind of Koi I was keeping (Nishikigoi) and the cost of each, I had no choice but to run the pump 24/7. I was into a lot of KOI shows and even became a judge. Whether it's fish, horses, dogs, orchids or whatever ... when you get into competing them, you have to spend money getting good quality stuff ... or else you're not even in the ball game.

    Koi or should I say "Nishikigoi" shows especially in Japan is a very big deal and they raise the best Koi North east of there called "Niigata" where the soil seems to be special for raising these things. Many breeders try to duplicate the same in the U.S. but never can come close.

    I know what you mean about sinking in the mud and finding a tree branch to pull yourself out. Happened to me here in Hawaii while I was kayaking one of the rivers. I was using a very small kayak when someone in a motor boat flew by and dumped me into the river. Although the water is only about 8' deep, the bottom was silth and muddy. I came close to drowning, because every time I tried pulling myself back up on the kayak, it would roll over.

    Tired as I was, I manged to use the kayak to swim where there were hanging branches and pulled myself back up. That happened about 8 years ago and I was already 66 years old! I guess my time wasn't up yet! LOL!

  3. #13
    Real Name
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    Your pond and the surroundings are really beautiful.

  4. #14
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    My how things have grown. So soothing Bruce. I'm sure you get plenty of joy and peace gazing out on your pond.

  5. #15
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    Kauaiguy how scary!I know exactly what you and Bruce are talking about. One summer I was on a research vessel in the Gulf of Mexico. We took a smaller boat I to the marsh and canoes into the barrier islands. I had to jump in and out of the canoe to do sampling each time I would sink to my waist in silt. To get out a few times I had to take the canoe y
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    To the side of the marsh and use the grass to pull myself out because the canoe was tipping. I would also sink through the marsh grass up to my chest in detritus and would have to roll over and just pull and roll out and then crawl until the grass was more firm. Back at the research station we would hose each the ther off outside until we were clean enough to get into the shower.
    Posted via Mobile Device

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