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Thread: What type of orchid is this?

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  1. #1
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    Question What type of orchid is this?

    This weekend I was given an orchid to "resurrect". I think it's feasible since:

    1) All it's problems seem to stem from poor cultivation (For one thing, the owner had potted it in a mix meant for succulents!!)

    2) Though he has tons of leafless pseudobulbs (28 to be exact), there are seven new shoots coming up.

    My problem is, being so new at this, I'm not even sure what kind of orchid it is! (Yes, the previous owner lost the name tag) Can anyone tell from the pics? Also, with all those leafless pseudobulbs should I split it among several pots?

    Thank you in advance for any help you can give.
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  2. #2
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    Well it looks like you have 2 types one looks like a Dendrobium cane in the lower picture , is it attached to the rest of the plant , maybe the old canes have been cut off ? I would clean it up and pot in an orchid bark mix , if it is a Dendrobium they like to drink and dry , I would not divide it right now , that can be done later when the new growth matures . Also reduce light on it until established not total shade but not hot sun . Hope this helps a little . Gin

  3. #3
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    oooh Gin, clever clever... I agree of course.... Dendrobes... phalaenanthe types... and I would also clean up and leave as is... the more pseudobulbs, the more the new growths can draw from... let them grow up to be strong growths and then when you are confident the new growths can support ongoing growths then divide... anyways, the more growths, the better a secimen type display you will get...


    ps sorry bout not making much sense.. a botle of 2000 chardonnay and a 2002 sauvignon blanc... :/

  4. #4


    Don't put it in a large pot...I'd recommend a small clay out, with some sphag...let it dry out for several days between waterings...keep on the dry side...

  5. #5
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    I checked, and, yes, that long piece is connected to the rest. Confusing...

  6. #6
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    jusy clean up the shealths and pot into the smallest pot possibil.Even put another pot upside down to take up room so that there is less mix.
    The plant looks like it is of the hard cane Dendrobium type.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2005


    I am always amazed when people recomend a small pot to rootbind dens. Mine flower fine and I don't follow that philosophy. I have seen plants choke themselves out from being too rootbound in semihydro. The roots croud themselves out so much that they choke all the O2 from themselves. In the wild the plants are stuck to a tree. The roots may grow into cracks and things, but the majority of roots are not rootbound. Mounted dens are not rootbound. I wish I knew who come up with the rootbinding theory about these guys. To each his own I guess.

    Looks to me like those guys would be fine in a 4 inch pot for about a year then move to a 6" if you don't devide after it recovers. I have grown mine in Sphag and bark. Each equaly well, but you have to realize my GH drys out fast. During the summer I water about every other day to every day. Depending on how fast the plants dry out, but on average its about every day I am spot watering many things since I have to water my mounts every day. Good luck. I think the biggest key to great orchid success is ALOT of air movement. It helps dry them out so they can be watered more. The more you can water them the faster they grow, but you have to make sure they are drying somewhat before watering again. I think thats how I was able to take 3 small keikis from a den nobile type and flower them in less than a year. Good luck again.

  8. #8
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    I agree fully with you JB_Orchidguy. To squeze it into a pot like that is NOT the best solution and not the most natural way for a orchid to grow.
    Its a old way of thinking. The philosofy was that a small amount of substrate hold small amount of water and would minimize risk of excessive water I suppose.
    That plant is (was) in a desperate need of a healthy substrate.

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