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Thread: Raft, cork deteriorated to replace

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  1. #1
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    Default Raft, cork deteriorated to replace

    I think every collector of orchids has felt the need of having to replace the support of a raft, and because it has become too small or has deteriorated over time or because they simply do not like the most.
    The support of a raft can be conglomerate, in Xaxim, in epiweb, wood or cork, the first three personally will not accept them, if they are proposed to me, I replace them immediately; all my rafts are mounted on cork or of strong wood, resistant to deterioration.
    Many collectors have expressed to me their concerns to address this, for it is the fear of losing the orchid or for not knowing how to proceed.
    Even if it's for a few months do not like to see legnature that wrap the raft to allow the roots to anchor itself to the support, with my method now you do not see the ligaments and the raft is more pleasing.
    For years I mount or replace my rafts, have I missed any subject, but you must proceed delicately.
    Let's see how to proceed and what needs:
    -The cork or wood (board cherry, oak, locust, lives, etc .. important that contains acid) on which to mount the raft;
    -of clear nylon thread, use a 0.35 to 0.40);
    -of or sphagnum moss, use them alive, considering ban on the collection, I produce them personally;
    -a crocheted (the one used for the proper fit embroidery), an awl, pliers, wire cutters, the galvanized iron wire and elastic thread.
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    photo 1
    I have two orchids to assemble, a Phal. deliciosum Sunrise and a Platystele stenostachia, the first is more simple in that it has large and sturdy roots, one that prendimamo under observation, a Platystele stenostachia, presents with small and thin roots, very delicate, is mounted on a conglomerate.
    The put to soak in water for irrigation and leave for about half an hour or more, until the roots is well wet, so they are very elastic and well soaked cork.
    We start beginning to chip away, piece by piece the old support, helping with an awl, pliers, etc. taking care to treat the roots very gently, without damaging them, if required we can help with a magnifying glass, this may take too much time, even hours in old plants, we must pay attention to the roots, if you have to put them back to dry bathroom.
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    photo 2
    Now we have released the orchid roots from the old support and let's lay it on the new cork, we put a little bit of moss between the roots, provisionally fix everything with the elastic thread.
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    photo 3
    Now we take the hook and we plant in Cork by taking it out from the opposite side, we tie the nylon thread crochet and pull until it comes out from the back, repeat the operation on the opposite side and fix with a knot.
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    photo 4

    Repeat the process at several points distributed over the whole length orchid up to get a solid anchor, making sure that the plant is firmly anchored to the support.
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    photo 5
    We must ensure that the nodes do not become loose and with time is less anchoring.
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    photo 6
    The elastic thread is no longer needed and we can take it off.
    Proceed taking the galvanized iron wire, we plant the cork up and cross it from the plant side we do a little hook that will be planted in the cork as anchor.
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    photo 7
    Our raft is finished.
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    photo 8
    On the opposite side you can enter the classification board, possibly with growing references.
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    photo 9
    In a few months, when the new roots will be anchored to the cork we can remove the nylon threads, cutting and pulling them, I suggest you remove no more than one or two at a time in order to assess the anchor solidity.
    As you can see immediately the orchid is pleasant, the anchors are not visible and the holes in the cork will disappear with time.
    With the hope of having done something pleasant, oile.

  2. #2
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    Thank you Elio! I've promoted this informative post to our article library. I appreciate you taking the time to write this up for everyone.


  3. #3
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    Great information Elio!! Well Done!!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brutal_Dreamer View Post
    Thank you Elio! I've promoted this informative post to our article library. I appreciate you taking the time to write this up for everyone.

    Thank you for your exquisite courtesy and availability, Elio

  5. #5
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    As a side note, sometimes, instead of wire or fishing line to anchor the plant to the slab, I'll spread a small bundle of coconut husk fiber strands over the root system, and use a staple gun to fix them on either side. Once the plant is well established, the staples can be easily removed with a pair of needle-nosed pliers.

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    Can be a very valid solution, but my intention is to run a solid anchor That no binding agents Siano Views for long months What we need the roots to anchor the cork, offering, immediately, a pleasant vision of the raft without vision Means of anchoring.
    WHEN The roots are anchored you can REMOVE nylon threads and not remain no sign and also the holes in the cork, with the passage of time, disappear.
    Last edited by oile; October 16th, 2016 at 09:24 AM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by oile View Post
    -of or sphagnum moss, use them alive, considering ban on the collection, I produce them personally;
    If I understand correctly did you mean that you grow your own moss? If so, would you mind explain because moss is slow grower. Thank you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Azizan View Post
    If I understand correctly did you mean that you grow your own moss? If so, would you mind explain because moss is slow grower. Thank you.
    I do not mind at all, that's right, in Italy it is forbidden to pick in nature.
    I cultivate both sphagnum moss that are not of slow growth, sphagnum a little slower, but over the course of a season you get what you need.

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    Quote Originally Posted by oile View Post
    I do not mind at all, that's right, in Italy it is forbidden to pick in nature.
    I cultivate both sphagnum moss that are not of slow growth, sphagnum a little slower, but over the course of a season you get what you need.
    How to cultivate moss?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azizan View Post
    How to cultivate moss?
    There are different ways of cultivation, as is grown sphagnum on floating raft,

    Name:  Sfagno.jpg
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    sphagnum undergoing transplantation

    or suitably perforated containers, covered with moss, on which you can sow the moss spores or put the moss so that it can spread

    Name:  Muschio.jpg
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    Moss ready for use

    It must always be wet, if the topic may concern, I can write a tutorial on the cultivation

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