Nicely done Chris!
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I've been farming moss while my orchids are outside for the summer. The stones I'm using are very light and absorb their own weight in water. Started these ones at the beginning of July. Should be suitable for terrarium projects and such. I'm growing it on driftwood as well. There are four species but I still have to ID them if possible or at least find the correct genus. I couldn't find an appropriate forum for moss
Nicely done Chris!
Great job! Can't help with the ID.
Obviously not rolling stones!![]()
Looks like two different types moss I found it's very useful for brachypetalum
Very cool, Chris. What rocks do you use?
I find it in my yard every time I dig a hole Ray. So light and porous that when you drop it in water it fizzes for a few seconds before sinking then keeps bubbling for 10-15 minutes. A piece that weighs 20 grams dry weighs 30-35 after a 1/2 hour soak.
Careful! The Canadian authorities are going to tax you on your "mineral extraction".
Very nice. paphs would love those moss.