MMMMM Fried Catfish Sandwiches !!
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I went out to snap a shot of the water lilies this morning and decided to feed the monsters. I had my camera, so I thought I would share with you my secret weapon that keeps folks from swiminging in my
MMMMM Fried Catfish Sandwiches !!
He, or she, is a really beaut!
awww... that pond and green green grass of arkansas is beautiful...
weird but that first pic freaked me out... i thought it was a bunny in the water... errr... it's very early here in oz...
Soo...I guess I know where I'm goin' for my hornedpout this year!!! See you in about a month![]()
holy whiskers batman! (I think muskies might be an even greater deterrent though)
Wow, they're, uhmm - really, uh, slimy!
Man that's gorgeous, BD!! those filets, er, catfish are awfully nice looking too! hehehehe....
/warming up the skillet, mixing some batter
Alright Cin, Aaron & Colin! Behave! These are our pets. We do not eat them, we feed them. They come right up to us when we walk out to the lake and call "Here, fish, fish, fish.." (I know, kinda scary....
I love to eat fried catfish, just don't love to kill them and clean them. Plus, catching in our pond is no effort. Not really fishing at all. Basically I could put the food on the edge of the water and they would almost come up on land to get it from me. It is strange though, when a friend comes to visit, the fish seem to know and do not come close to the edge and really act different. I don't know how they know, but like most pets, when you want them to show off, they want to sleep or something else...I guess.
Thanks for looking!
Oh, and Tim...."A bunny in the water" ??? OMG
! I would never post a photo of us actually feeding the fish the small kittens, bunnies, and toy sized dogs we have to throw in the pond once a week.
~snickers~ LOL.
I don't actually feed them bunnies, kittens, or doggies. I couldn't imagine doing anything like that--ever!
Bet none of us will get an invite for a fish fry , BD. would search our cars for fishing poles lol .
There are some at the bottom of Bagnell Dam Lake of the Ozarks that are huge . I heard a story about one of the natives trying to noodle one (reach in a nesting hole and grabbing the fish in the mouth . That was the end of the noodler . Love the pictures BD. ........When is supper? lolol Gin