Waaa ... a bit difficult such a very pretty plant you got there better you cut off the yellow leaves and spray with fungicide keep him dry in between watering and isolate the plant. I wish it will work for you Sheryl.
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Help! I've had this orchid for almost 2 years. It has not bloomed for me yet and now this ugly ailment. What is it?
Waaa ... a bit difficult such a very pretty plant you got there better you cut off the yellow leaves and spray with fungicide keep him dry in between watering and isolate the plant. I wish it will work for you Sheryl.
Thanks Zain. I've been removing them as you can see and spraying with Neem. But it continues to spread up😪 I'll continue spraying and keep my fingers crossed 🙏
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The exact same thing happened to my first two plants of V. denisoniana. In both cases it started a few weeks after they arrived in April and my guess is that the plants, which were not seed grown in the US, were used to warmer conditions. I finally got hold of a denisoniana grown from seed in the US and it is a very strong grower that doesn't show any of these tendencies. You should be able to save your plant I think but but you must be quick and you should try something more potent than neem oil. Try Thiomil or Cleary's 3336. Other than that, just follow Zain's advice.
Interesting! Thank you Arne!
---------- Post Merged at 01:47 PM ----------
It has all those healthy roots below, but hope you can see the very large thick root mid plant. Should I cut a couple inches below that and not worry about detaching all those bottom roots! I'm wondering if it produced that nice root knowing something I didn't know!
When you have come to terms with the worst case scenario, then cut 1-2 inches below the thick root on the upper part part of the plant. If there is a dark discoloration, sterilize the knife with a flame and cut again a bit higher up until it looks healthy. Be sure to use a flame.
Discard the rest.
Good Luck!
This is what happens to old fogies - bits fall off. Its happening to me right now... (joke). But seriously, it is just old age. Making a top-cutting is the answer, but beware, it will be some time before it is strong enough to flower again. Personally, since I am an antique, and won't last for ever - and people keep telling me I can't take "it" with me, I scrap plants like this, and go shopping for a replacement. What I ought to do, is just scrap them - since I am trying to rduce my overcrowding, but hey, that's too difficult. I can resist anything except temptation....