Hi Roy! So nice to see your post. I look forward to seeing more! Happy holidays!
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Greetings all, time has got away & posting in the forum absent for some time, hope to correct that in the New Year.
In the mean time, Best Wishes to all for a safe & healthy, enjoyable time of year.
Kindest regards, Roy.
Hi Roy! So nice to see your post. I look forward to seeing more! Happy holidays!
Hi Roy! Best wishes to you and yours for this holiday season! It is great to hear from you.
Merry Christmas to all!
My dear wife slipped away , peacefully, at the end of a three month illness, and almost 91 years of happy life.
Per haps her last words to me before her sleep for most f the day turned into a coma and then nothing....were that she was worried about me, and wanted me t have a life....
I shall try, but the next days, weeks and ? Will be difficult. S I say goodbye my friends, I will be back, one day, I think.that is what my beloved would have wanted.
Geoff, I'm so sorry. She fought a good fight with you by her side. I wish you comfort and please know my thoughts are with you. Hugs to you.
Your in my prayers Geoff, so sorry for your loss.
Sending prayers your way, Geoff. I'm so sorry for this great loss.