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Hi Diane,
That's actually a Brassada (Brsa). It's a primary cross between a Brassia verrucosa and an Ada aurantiaca (similar to Brassias, and bright orange).
I just ordered one from that place you bought my phil from, and it arrived today. When I placed the order on-line, I wanted one is spike, but the e-mail confirm listed it as "mature" and not "in spike." So I called the next morning and asked them to change it. I also asked if they could choose one just in spike, so there'd be less risk of damage during shipping.
Anyway, it just arrived this noon and it's only a mature plant. Not in spike. So, somewhat annoyed, I called back. I think I got the same girl (and people skills aren't her forte.) She looked up the order and said it was for a mature plant. I told her the story and she then said that there was no note that I called, therefore they couldn't do anything about it.
Nice, eh? I asked to speak with a manager, and am still waiting for a call back.
So, your Bert Field is absolutely lovely, but Bert is a bit of a sore issue for me at the moment!