Back at the end of October our 14 year old pug passed over the rainbow bridge. Our home felt so empty without him, so we decided to adopt a new puppy. He loves plants (loves to knock them over, dig the lava rock out of the pots, drag them all over the house,... you get the idea... lol). Anyway, he also loves a kitty that decided to adopt us. She showed up just before our pug passed and became good friends with him, so she got to move inside and live with us. Now, she (here name is Pestilence) is great buds with Albert too. We first named her Cleo, but soon realized she loves furniture, drapes, blinds, all custom wood trims, etc...). Her love of destruction gave her her nickname. haha... Anyway, they are part of our little family now.

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(he can be serious too..)

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(Helpers at the computer in my lap!)
