Well, it is certainly a dendrobium of some sort.
All sympodial orchids have rhizomes, but many can be so short that it looks like there isn’t one.
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Hi there! I bought this orchid from a plant shop (it was very cheap, like 2 dollars or so), but as usual there's not an ID tag on it... It does looks like a Dendrobium orchid, it seems to be healthy (pseudobulbs and leaves are plump and have some roots with green tips), it also looks like it's growing a new pseudobulb and have already bloomed before (because of the spent flower spikes).
But what I'm curious about is because the orchid is growing from a rhizome, I mean, all dendrobium I've seen and also those I already have, the canes grow one near the other, you cannot see a rhizome between each other. I was looking for something similar over the Internet but cannot find any dendrobium having a rhizome like this.
Here's some pictures... I hope it grows fast so I can see the blooms and finally know what I have
Well, it is certainly a dendrobium of some sort.
All sympodial orchids have rhizomes, but many can be so short that it looks like there isn’t one.
Yes a dendrobium likely will be purple-red in color when it blooms.
The orchid is growing nicely I think. There're 2 new growth also. The only issue I've seen is that the orchid is getting full of ants, and those ants are acumulating dirt over the new growths, everyday I've to clean the shoots. Any recommendations for this? I tried a little bit of cinnamon, but the ants are still there.
Look for ant bait bait gel that contains fipronil. You put a tiny dab or two around the plant and all the ants will be gone.
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---------- Post Merged at 10:22 PM ----------
I forgot to mention that you must wait several days before the ants are gone. Sometimes, especially when it is very warm, I repeat the treatment some weeks later.
Nice new canes! Good luck with your new baby![]()
Hi! A new update. Dendrobiums are indeed a really fast growing orchids! The 3 canes are mature by now and starting to produce flowers spikes! I hope to see it blooming soon!
Beautiful and well grown!
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