wow!! that is really cool.
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After waiting 7 longs months for the pod to be ready, it suddenly caught me unawares and burst over night. I managed to get some seeds, put them on aluminum foil. I took a sample and placed them under the microscope to see if they were viable. It looks like they are! Judge for yourselves! I hooked the scope up to a video camera so I could take pics and show you all what I saw.
First here are the seeds I managed to collect,
Now the seeds under the scope!
So anyone know what my next step is? I want to grow these myself.
Last edited by Brutal_Dreamer; July 11th, 2006 at 11:43 PM. Reason: No vendor names. See Terms and Conditions of the forum.Thanks.
wow!! that is really cool.
as the seeds are from a noid I would be putting the seeds into file #13.
They could be sown ,but as it is not easy to sterilize the seed though it can be done with bleach,Idont think it would be worth while.
Well, I just wanted to use this opportunity to learn. Thanks, I will bleach as per instructions from another website.
Neat pictures, Tindo. Let us know what happens.
you will get a far bit of info on home sowing here under the heading of (you guest it)orchids Its also my home page .Best of luck.
ATester (Aaron) had done dry pod flasking successfully. He has some threads on it here (search for those), but definitely check with him.
Originally Posted by Piper
I agree! Aaron would be one of the first people I would contact. Keep us updated on how it goes!!
I really enjoyed the images!
Thanks everyone for all the help!
I just sent a lengthy PM descibing some steps.
Don't worry folks, you're not being left out, little does he realize, he's a test subject to see if I explained things clearly. When I get something better than a rough draft, I WILL share...I promise.