How lovely, and how lush. Is this the property you talked about buying?
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Sunday 7 AM and I was already off to Minantok, in Amadeo to meet with the surveyor. George the caretaker showed me around the 2.5 acre site. While traipsing around, I noticed the abundance of wild ginger, similar to but not the same as the ones I often saw when I was a small kid, in Iloilo.
How lovely, and how lush. Is this the property you talked about buying?
Yes, it is.
Wow! I've seen ginger here, but only ever foliage. Is that how it blooms? That's very cool. Thanks for the pic, Nelson!
I hope the real estate transaction goes well for you!
The plant is beautiful is it the same one that the root is for sale inour local markets? Hope you get the property.
Not the same species, Cindy.Originally Posted by Molly Taco